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How to create a database website for use in XAMPP ?

 How to create a database website for use in XAMPP ? create a database To create a database-driven website using XAMPP, you can follow these general steps: 1. Install XAMPP: Download and install the latest version of XAMPP from the official website for your operating system. 2. Create a database: Open the XAMPP control panel, start Apache and MySQL, and then open phpMyAdmin. In phpMyAdmin, create a new database by clicking the "New" button on the left sidebar, enter a name for the database, and select "utf8_general_ci" as the collation. 3. Create tables: Inside your newly created database, create tables that will store your data. Each table should have a unique name, and you should define the columns and data types for each table. 4. Create PHP pages: Create PHP pages that will display and manipulate the data in your database. You can use a text editor to create your PHP pages and save them in the "htdocs" folder within your XAMPP installation directory. 5...

ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.

 When you install a new version of Android Studio Eel (electric) and when you are trying to setup for flutter app development in your android studio, you might get an error in your terminal. Android Studio  Unable to find bundled Java version. There are many solutions found for Windows or  Mac OS  on internet to resolve this error -- but i am specifically making this video to resolve this error for Linux user. I am using Ubuntu 22.10 kinetic  Solution: Go to your Android Studio folder, find folder named jbr, copy all content folder, and if you don't have, create a folder named jre and copy in jre folder, all contents from jbr folder. Case close. Error solved. [!] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 33.0.1)     • Android SDK at /home/agatarshu/Android/Sdk     • Platform android-33, build-tools 33.0.1     • ANDROID_HOME = /home/agatarshu/Android/Sdk     ✗ No Java Development Kit (JDK) found;...

How to solve "All libraries must use the exact same version specification'

How to solve? "All libraries must use the exact same version specification (mixing versions can lead to runtime crashes). Found versions 27.1.1, 27.0.2. Examples include and" R: insert in gradle app file, in  dependencies { implementation "" How to solve "All libraries must use the exact same version specification' implementation '' implementation '' and in add: buildTypes { release { multiDexEnabled true