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How to solve ?

How to solve ?

Solution: install and reinstall Android Studio SDK
or deleting the \instantapps folder in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\extras\google\instantapps could be the right solution

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"Install Google Play Instant Development SDK (revision: 1.6.0)" failed.

Packages to install: 
- Google Play Instant Development SDK (extras;google;instantapps)

Preparing "Install Google Play Instant Development SDK (revision: 1.6.0)".
Found existing prepared package.
"Install Google Play Instant Development SDK (revision: 1.6.0)" ready.
"Install Google Play Instant Development SDK (revision: 1.6.0)" complete.
"Install Google Play Instant Development SDK (revision: 1.6.0)" failed.
Failed to complete operation using, retrying with
Preparing "Install Google Play Instant Development SDK (revision: 1.6.0)".
Found existing prepared package.
"Install Google Play Instant Development SDK (revision: 1.6.0)" ready.
Installing Google Play Instant Development SDK in C:\Users\Silvio\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\extras\google\instantapps
An error occurred during installation: Failed to move away or delete existing target file: C:\Users\Silvio\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\extras\google\instantapps
Move it away manually and try again..
"Install Google Play Instant Development SDK (revision: 1.6.0)" complete.
"Install Google Play Instant Development SDK (revision: 1.6.0)" failed.
Failed packages:
- Google Play Instant Development SDK (extras;google;instantapps)

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